HAF Holiday Clubs

We are pleased to be working with Active Essex and Essex ActivAte so you can MAKE SOME NOISE in the holidays too!. All Clubs are FREE for Children and Young People eligible for benefits based free school meals.

Easter, Summer, Winter Holidays

We are working with Active Essex, Essex County Council and Thurrock Council to deliver Essex ActivAte clubs, on behalf of the Department for Education. The clubs are FREE for children and young people who are eligible for benefits based free school meals and limited spaces are offered for children from low income working families.

Our holiday clubs are inclusive for all Primary & Secondary Pupils, and all attending children and young people will receive a tasty and nutritious meal each day that they attend.
We provide a unique variety of physical and enrichment activities, we love music, dance fitness & drama, games & arts and crafts – building skills and confidence.

Keep an eye on our Whats On page for confirmed dates for Christmas, Summer and Easter holiday activity sessions.

Funded by