Thurrock CAN
Thurrock CAN events alternate between social and informative and are a great opportunity for folk that work or aspire to work within the arts and creative industry to meet like minded creatives and local organisations to hear about their upcoming projects and opportunities!
Creatives & Artists Network
ThurrockCAN invites all individuals and organisations alike that are operating or aspiring to work within the Creative Arts right here in Thurrock, to come together and talk!
Our events alternate between casual coffee morning type meets and informative conversations featuring special guest speakers. Events are dotted throughout calendar and all are welcome to come and introduce themselves and share exciting information on their current projects.
Come and mingle and rub elbows with other like minded creative people and organisations making Arts work happen in Thurrock.
Check out the Whats On page to find out dates for our next ThurrockCAN event and be sure to head over to ThurrockCAN’s group on Facebook and join the other 400 creatives, keeping each other in the know!