NEW: Youth Mental Health Project

An exciting opportunity for Thurrock youth to join our steering group to help design a brand new mental health programme to start November 2024!

25th Jul, 15th Aug, 12th Sep, 10th Oct

An EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY for young people living in Thurrock!

We are looking for a group of creative and expressive youth to help us build a brand new project that will be delivered from November 2024.

You will get to discuss, plan and have a go at new art forms that you think are beneficial to you and balancing life as a young person.

There will be 4 sessions together with a Creative Professional to explore and design a programme for young people to try new hobbies and develop skills that can help talking about and expressing their mental health.

You have the inside scoop, the life experience and we would love to have your expertise on board!

So, pave the way on a brand new programme you’ll be excited to tell your friends about!

You will be needed for all 4 sessions.
Jul 25th | Aug 15th | Sep 12th | Oct 10th
5pm – 7pm at AOB Studios, Grays
(Can’t make them all but want to be involved? Let us know ASAP!)

Want to be a part of it to help make it happen? Get in touch!

Funded by